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  • Begin pre-semester meetings. These are meant for brainstorming, identifying mission ideas for rocket and payload.

    • Don’t finalize this until you have at least one meeting in person, more voices and ideas are heard

  • Draft a tentative timeline for PDR, CDR, FDR, etc.

  • Begin thinking about who can be your FOR. Start reaching out to candidates.

  • Poll everyone for best time to meet during the semester for IREC weekly meetings

  • Make your RE selections. You want dependable individuals that have demonstrated their commitment to the club, and that will NOT be on Co-Op.

    • As someone with experience being a remote lead and managing remote leads, the likelihood that this format results in a positive experience is extremely low.

    • You should have candidates identified by the start of the semester, and/or reached out to them to gauge interest.


  • Begin the HeroX Entry Form, make a Team Profile

  • Set expectations for the year. Remind people that the PDR approaches fast, and that requirements and ideation are the main goals.

  • PDR should ideally be towards the end of September

    • Be sure to invite the FOR

    • Remember, this isn’t formal. You are entertaining all reasonable ideas - anything that will satisfy your requirements!

  • Team lead and REs should visit basement and take inventory of stock / components

    • Do this early. Knowing what you have can influence the design and provide clarity on BOMs

  • Begin regular RE meetings


  • PDR no later than early October

    • Reminder: invite the FOR

  • The Team Entry Form is due around mid October

  • Have REs begin making their CDR slides early

    • It is extremely important to follow up regularly on this.

    • CAD should be well underway, and analysis is ramping up now.

    • Under no conditions should the words “We did it last year” be uttered

  • Have fun making a logo


  • Begin identifying potential AirBnB locations.

  • Begin preparing for the first progress report

  • Have REs begin preparing tenative BOMs

  • Conduct the CDR towards mid/end of November. Don’t forget to invite LAB + FOR

  • At this stage be mindful of designs that are not making consistent progress. Don’t let one component hold up everything - work with the REs to identify issues and resolve them.


  • Ideally have motor ordered before winter break

  • If you are dedicated to doing a test-launch, have the second motor ordered as soon as possible.

  • If necessary, order a new motor casing by the end of the month (The design hopefully should be firm enough by this point)

  • Over winter break order items off BOMs that are finalized

    • This should include essentials like coupler tube, epoxy, stock, etc.

  • Reserve AirBnB before the end of the month.

    • Get permission PRIOR to booking that its okay to bring “More than X people”. Explaining why you’re renting usually helps.

  • Progress Report #1 due DURING FINALS!

  • Entry application fee due

  • If you don’t have a logo, finish off the semester with it! Or make one as you come back for the Spring


  • Before returning to school, send out poll for new meeting times during the semester

  • Send out interest form for IREC attendance when you get back from winter break

    • This focuses on: Can people attend the whole comp, do they have co-ops or are looking for them, notify people of costs, have HAM licenses, have cars and are willing to drive, how many people they can fit and where they are driving from, what they want to help with at IREC, poll for Reco interest, and TSHIRT SIZES!

  • Begin preparing for the FDR.

    • Follow up every single week on this/

  • The motor should be purchased no later than mid-January

  • After returning have the REs begin preparing for Progress Report #2.

  • Brainstorm paint schemes for the rocket

  • For any test plans, identify and requirements for getting access to labs and assign members to complete any required trainings.

  • Follow up consistently on any designs that are struggling to reach their final state. Manufacturing season is closer than you think, and you still need time to order stock and have time for integration testing.


  • Early this month finalize the final attendance list for IREC, and add everyone to the #irec-logistics channel.

    • If more people indicated interest than are able to attend, focus on individuals that have deep, core knowledge of critical subsystems and prioritize them first. Next, identify those with HAMs for Reco, and next those with cars. Everyone at IREC serves a purpose - this is a performance team.

    • Send out another form to aggregate personal information: Full name and phone number, two emergency contacts, allergies, dietary restrictions, relevant medical conditions (do they need a bed? can they go on reco?), confirm everyone has launch merch, transportation to the comp, HAM callsigns, sun sensitivity, backpacking / reco experience, can they physically go?

  • Announce the arrival/departure dates for flights and have everyone buy airfare

    • Southwest LOVES switching people’s flights without notifying them. Follow up with these individuals regularly

  • You should know whether you have enough vehicles to drive everyone - begin identifying car rentals if necessary.

  • Host the FDR.

    • Sponsors are invited to this as well, make sure they receive the invite.

  • Progress Report #2 is due!

  • Finalize the paint scheme for the rocket



    • This is a top priority and should immediately be prioritized as high as the vehicle.

    • Doing otherwise will result in it being delayed and forgotten about.

  • Also identify potential podium session topics, assign and begin creating the presentation and abstract.

  • Have the content of the IREC poster complete by the end of the month, if not outright finished.

  • Identify when/where you want to conduct integration and deployment testing. Announce this to the team (by second week of March)

  • At some point this month you should have more information from URRG about when the first launch will be. If you want to test launch, this will adjust your timelines.


  • Have the final copy of the poster done by FIRST WEEK of April.

    • Order the poster well in advance of ImagineRIT

  • Rocket and rocketeer fees due

  • Third Progress Report Due!


  • IREC packing lists, assembly / integration procedures should begin.

  • Assign and create Finish podium session materials

  • Halfway through the month email advisor (Mike) for a School Participation letter

  • Conduct deployment testing, ideally early to mid-April


  • Tech Report Due DURING FINALS and Graduation

  • Prepare for the Safety Review

  • Create airport pickup schedules

  • Complete pre-registration on HeroX

  • Watch for DaVinci emails for frequency coordination (end of the month)
