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titleLinux Setup Procedure

Setting Up the Environment

  • Procedure written for a Debian Ubuntu environment, but the procedure can be easily adapted for any linux distro
  1. Install GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain
    1. Download  'arm-gnu-toolchain-??.?.rel?-x86_64-arm-none-eabi.tar.xz' from
      1. On MacOS, you will want 'arm-gnu-toolchain-??.?.rel?-darwin-x86_64-arm-none-eabi.tar.xz'
    2. Extract code to desired directory.
      1. tar -xvf <gcc-arm-tar.bz2> -C <desired compiler location>
      2. the compile location should be somewhere permanent
    3. Set GCC_ARM_TOOLS_PATH environment variable
      1. Edit ~/.bashrc  or ~/.zshrc  depending on your shell and append the following line

        Code Block
        export GCC_ARM_TOOLS_PATH=<your_path_to_gcc_arm>/bin
        1. On fish, it's ~/.config/fish/

          Code Block
          set -gx GCC_ARM_TOOLS_PATH <your_path_to_gcc_arm>/bin

      2. On MacOS there are two possible locations you may need to put the line above. Execute the command below to determine where to place the line

        Code Block
        echo "$SHELL"

        If you got /bin/zsh  then add the export to ~/.zshrc , if you have /bin/bash then add the export to ~/.bash_profile .

    4. Update environment
      1. Easiest way is to restart your shell (close & open the terminal window)
      2. source ~/.bashrc  or ~/.zshrc  or ~/.config/fish/ 

      3. On MacOS source ~/.zshrc  if you have ZSH or ~/.bash_profile  if you have bash


titleWindows Setup Procedure

Setting Up the Environment

  1. Install GNU ARM Tools Path
    1. Download Installer from
      1. Should have a name similar to "gcc-arm-XXXXXXXX-mingw-w64-i686-arm-none-eabi.exe"
    2. To avoid problems later on, make sure you the path to the toolchain has no spaces
      1. You will have to manually modify the automatically generated path because it has spaces in it
      2. Ex: C:\Program_Files_No_Spaces\Arm_GNU_Toolchain_arm-none-eabi\11.2_2022.02
    3. Take note of the install location and save for later.
  2. Install Git for Windows
    1. Download Installer from

SSH Key 

titleWindows SSH Key Setup Procedure

SSH Key Setup 

  1. Run ssh-keygen in your terminal
  2. Walk through the installer
  3. Once the key has been generated, locate the files where the keys has been saved (chosen in the walkthrough)
  4. Copy the contents of the file ending in .pub into GitHub which can be found at
