All-caps default Altium font and , size as appropriate
Slightly modified Semantic Version (semver), bottom side
- Releases are designs sent for fabrication, only increment version for fabbed designs
MAJOR incremented for all backwards-incompatible changes
- Module doesn't work with previous backplane
- Next backplane doesn't work with previous modules
- Starts at 1
- Reset Minor to 1 when incremented
- MINOR incremented for backwards-compatible changes
- Adding functionality without changes to the backplane interface
- Starts at 1
- PATCH incremented for fixes
- Starts at 0
- Incremented only for each design sent for fabrication
- We start at 1.1.0 (slight difference from semver, so we do not actually implement semver)
Flavor text
Default Altium font, sentence case, 100 mil, bottom side
Module designer(s), bottom side
- No preface, just names
- List multiple names vertically without bullets
Flavor text
Sentence case default Altium font and size
- About as much as a haiku
- Decided Content decided case-by-case