Signing into Adobe Products
To use the Adobe Software starting in September of 2019, you need to sign into the application to verify your affiliation with RIT. To do this, simply start any of the Adobe Applications on your computer. You will then be prompted to log in. If you are presented the option, select Sign in with an Enterprise ID. For the email address, enter your employee RIT username followed by Do not include "saunders". Example:
Once you enter your email address and either press tab or click on Password, the system should automatically redirect you to the RIT login page:
Use your RIT username and password to sign in, and you should be all set.
Installing Adobe Products
To install any of the Adobe Products, start by finding Adobe Creative Cloud in your Start Menu. Launch the application and login following the instructions above.
Once signed in, you can select from any of the applications you would like to use to install them or update them.
See Setting Up Certificate-Based Signatures in Adobe Acrobat on how to setup a signature.