Table of Contents
These are generic instruction on how to set up Capstone Servers. Please review the instructions that pertain to your server's configuration.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Saunders Technical Support for assistance.
RedHat Apache Server
Setting up your account
Do this step before any other steps.
To ensure the files you create on the server will be accessible by your teammates, you need to reconfigure your account on the server.
You only need to follow these instructions once and each member of your team must do so as well.
Start by ensuring you are on campus or using the RIT VPN Client (
SSH into your server's hostname using Command Prompt in Windows or Terminal in macOS. The commands are the same once you have opened that particular program.
C:\>ssh username@hostname
When you connect for the first time, you will see a notice asking you to accept the security certificate. Type in yes and press enter.
The authenticity of host '******** (***.***.***.***)' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:*******************. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
You should then be prompted for your password. Enter it and press enter.
Once signed in, type the following command:
nano .bashrc
Add to the end of the file umask 007
Press Ctrl-X and then Y to save your changes.
Be sure to log out by typing in exit and press enter.
Your account is now configured properly.
Accessing your web files
Your team's web files are located in the directory /home/web/html
Any files you place here will be open to the RIT web community.
You can use tools like WinSCP to log into the server and access those files.
When connecting, use SFTP as the protocol on port 22. The hostname will be the name of your server. Your username/password will be your RIT username/password.