Zoom - Share Recordings

Zoom - Share Recordings


When sharing your recordings, you want to ensure that only those that should see the recording can do so. There’s several different options available to RIT.

This document was last updated on February 9, 2024. Zoom does make changes to its software on a regular basis that may result in these instructions being outdated.

Default Settings

To review your default settings for how your recordings are shared, start by going to https://rit.zoom.us/profile/setting. When signing in, be sure to click on SSO and then enter RIT as the organization. This will redirect you to an RIT logon page.

Click on Recording along the top.


Scroll down until you reach the Require users to authenticate before viewing cloud recordings section.

It is strongly recommended you turn this setting on and make sure that RIT Accounts (Default) is listed. This will ensure that all of your recordings by default require and RIT account to view.

You can change the settings on individual records (recommended method) by following the instructions later in this document.


Change the share permissions on an individual recording

To view your recordings, start by going to https://rit.zoom.us/recording. When signing in, be sure to click on SSO and then enter RIT as the organization. This will redirect you to an RIT logon page.

Find the recording you want to change the permissions for and click Share.

The default will be based on your default settings (see instructions above). You can change this for an individual recording using two sections, Who can view and Share with specific people.

Who can view can be set to the following settings:

  • Everyone with the recording link

    • Anyone you send the link to can access the recording with no authentication required.

  • RIT Accounts

    • The viewer must have a valid RIT Zoom account (faculty, staff, and students) to view the recording.

  • Signed-in users in my account

    • The viewer must have a valid RIT Zoom account (faculty, staff, and students) or be affiliated with RIT (typically captioning services) to view the recording.

  • Only people you shared with below

    • You have to use the Share with specific people option to provide the Zoom account email addresses of who can access the recording. For RIT, this will be the username followed by @rit.edu. Do not use RIT aliases for this. You’ll need the email address of the Zoom account for anyone that is not affiliated with RIT.

  • Nobody else can view

    • Recording is only accessible by the owner, you.

Share with specific people settings:

Provide the Zoom account email addresses of who can access the recording. For RIT, this will be the username followed by @rit.edu. Do not use RIT aliases for this. You’ll need the email address of the Zoom account for anyone that is not affiliated with RIT.


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