NMB Requirements

NMB Requirements

AssemblyNMB shall be assembled


Power.Voltage.LogicNMB shall accept an input voltage of a standard Low Voltage LiPo battery for logic.LV for logic (LDO still able to be used)
Power.Voltage.DeploymentNMB shall accept an input voltage of up to a 4s LiPo BatteryHV for deployment
Power.ArmingNMB shall support a series arming switch on charges and logicOn board series interrupt or in the external wires

Form Factor

Digital Communications

DigitalCommucations.Programming.HardwareNMB shall natively support USB for programmingFTDI onboard or IC that accepts USB


Sensors.Software??NMB shall use sensors with existing Arduino LibrariesEase of use
Sensors.Altitude.RangeNMB shall be able to measure up to 15k feet in altitudeSpace Race Rocket hits 10k feet + safety margin
Sensors.Altitude.StandardsNMB shall comply with the NAR altimeter standardsBarometric Pressure, 16-bits resolution, better than 1m, 1% or 2m
Sensors.Altitude.MachHardeningNMB shall be mach-hardened (likely in software)

Sensors.IMU.DOFNMB shall use a 9DOF IMU

Sensors.IMU.Acceleration.RangeNMB shall measure up to 20g

Sensors.IMU.TemperatureNMB shall measure ambient temperature during flight

Sensors.IMU.Temperature.TypeNMB shall use an analog temperature sensor

Sensors.GPSNMB shall collect GPS information

Sensors.GPS.AntennaNMB shall support and external GPS antenna


Transceiver.FrequencyNMB shall transmit and receive in an ISM bandLikely 900MHz
Transceiver.RangeNMB shall be able to transmit up to 2.5 miles, no LOSWorst case (from 3TTC misflight)

Data Storage

DataStorage.TypeNMB shall store data with a MicroSD card

DataStorage.CapacityNMB shall store data for at least 1 flight


Deployment.ChannelCountNMB shall have at least 2 deployment channelsAt least 2 for redundancy of single deployment
Deployment.IgniterTypeNMB shall support a 1.0A firing currentSpecific Igniter
Deployment.ContinuityCheckNMB shall have continuity checks for all deployment channels


Microcontroller.PeripheralsNMB shall support I2C, SPI, Analog I/O, UART, Digital I/O

Microcontroller.PinCountNMB shall have enough pins for the described peripherals

Additional Hardware


AdditionalHardware.ResetNMB shall have a reset button for the microcontroller

AdditionalHardware.BuzzerNMB shall have a buzzer to assist in finding



Additional Notes:

Pads for power connectors, to be soldered to

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