RL-36 Injector

RL-36 Injector

The injector mixes the fuel and oxidizer inside the combustion chamber. Due to ease of manufacturing, a showerhead injector was chosen. Only the fuel needs to be atomized, since the oxidizer is the gaseous state. Oxygen enters at the top of the injector and flows through a straight tube into the combustion chamber. Fuel enters at the side of the injector into an inner reservoir, then flows through six small orifices that lead into the combustion chamber. These holes are designed such that their length and diameter ensure atomization at the calculated flow rate. When both propellants are flowing simultaneously, the oxygen expands out from the center orifice and collides with the methanol, helping with atomization. The injector is connected to a load cell via a steel disc suspended by threaded rods. This is one of two methods used for measuring the thrust. 


Injector and manifold section view.  Injector plate.

Injector assembly with thrust plate. Arrows shows where oxygen and fuel lines connect to injector.

