Launch DAQ Support

Launch DAQ Support


Launch was given a data acquisition system (DAQ) as part of Joseph Even (RIT Student)'s MSD project in 2021. It will require some hardware and software work to interface it with the ground station and the propulsion team in order to use it for a real test. We can either use the provided DAQ or make a new design more specific to our use case. The networking code for the existing DAQ has efficiency issues that would likely not meet expected requirements, this needs to be fixed as well.


  • Interface a DAQ with ground software, requires modifying the networking code on the DAQ and making a config file for GSW
  • Fix the networking code on the current/new DAQ
  • Record data during a real cold/hot fire of either a solid or liquid engine (ideally liquid)

Estimated Time/Money

One semester for ~2 people, 1 software person to interface with the ground station/fix networking issues and 1 hardware person for debugging. Maybe another hardware person if we make a new DAQ. Should be near free if we use the existing DAQ.

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