Requirements - FL-1 Controls & DAQ

Requirements - FL-1 Controls & DAQ

High Level Requirements


The controls system must:

  • Be able to control the state of at least four solenoids (24V) [High priority]
  • Be able to control the state of at least two linear actuators [Low priority]
    • Be able to drive the state of at least two linear actuators (24V motor driver)
    • Be able to measure the state of at least two linear actuators (Hall effect sensor)
  • Be able to control the state of at least one igniter (12V) [High priority]


The data acquisition system must:

  • Measure the state of at least four pressure transducers (0-5V Analog) [Medium Priority]
  • Measure the state of at least two flow meters () [Low Priority]
  • Measure the state of at least one load cell (mV/V) [High Priority]
  • Measure the state of at least one thermocouple [Medium Priority]

January: Solenoid and ignitor, remote control
February: Load cell/pressure transducer
March: Closed control loop, 
April: Gimbal control