

The Secretary is responsible for planning and coordinating the team's events and apparel.  


Run Apparel

  • Find and create custom Launch apparel for team members
    • Polos
    • Jackets
    • Patches
    • T-shirts
    • Other apparel (driven by team demand)
  • Ensure apparel meets teams standards
    • Correct colors
    • Correct sizes
    • Good material
  • Document apparel choices for year to year consistency
  • Work with the Treasurer to ensure people pay for apparel 
  • Distribute apparel to correct members  


    • Two-three interest meetings before the semester starts (in-person and zoom)
      • Advertise EVERYWHERE online eg. Reddit, Discord server, Instagram, etc. (work with social media director on this) 
      • Talk about general club commitment, sub-teams, refer people to this link: http://launch.rit.edu/join-us.html
      • Have people sign up on a google form so we get their email
        • Send out an email blast using MailChimp
      • Send out a blast about the interest meetings on CampusGroup as well
      • Recording from last year's interest meeting
      • Also talk about what each sub-team will be working on in that school year **You need to know this**
    • Put up posters around campus for recruitment **most effective
    • Make sure to sign up for club faire fall semester
    • Regularly check the launch email because we get a lot of interested students emailing us versus joining Slack
    • At the first meeting of the semester, send out a google form to collect data so we know what recruitment method is best/team statistics to report to RIT and IREC. Example: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FEVT1TaDOmjImJ0hXBh5Rg-upyfKYRBx8wWztI1zgq0/edit?usp=sharing
    • Every week at general, make an announcement to have newcomers come talk to you. This helps a lot with member retention and onboarding, because some members may want to try out different teams
      • Your job is to give a brief explanation of what each team does and what they are working on. Then, you send them to the leads of the teams they are interested in



    • Submit a proposal - upload images, write a detailed description of the team and what every sub-team is doing
    • Organize a schedule for ImagineRIT
    • Have one person there for recruitment + make an interest form to join our mailing list
      • Send out an email blast after ImagineRIT and again next semester
    • Organize/clean up before and after the event


  • Elected position 
  • Preferably no overlap in e-board positions


Current Secretary:

  • Sophia Commisso & Katie Beck

Past Secretaries:

  • Alexis Smith
  • Mary Dertinger

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