Avionics IREC 2022 Schedule
Avionics IREC 2022 Schedule
- Print out manuals
- RRC3
- Write final procedures / checklists
- Print out procedures / checklists
- Make recovery teams
Arrival / Work Day (Sunday June 19th)
- Unpack gear - coming with James
- RF Checkouts complete
- BRB configuration
- BRB RF range test
- APRS ground station test
- DARWIN integration with ground station
- DARWIN range test
- Secure DARWIN to ground station
- Booster deployment test
- RRC3 Configuration
- Talk with James about igniters
- dual headed rule?
- custom igniters
- Ground station prep
- Software update
- Test
Checkin / Work Day (Monday June 20th)
- Payload integration
- Final mounting points
- Secure everything
- Camera test
- recording and live
- Practice payload parachute packing
- Radio etiquette meeting
- Deployment charge safety meeting
- Full integration as many times as possible
- Everything should be field ready by end of day
Poster Session (Tuesday June 21st)
- can't do any work
- Charge batteries overnight
- LiOns
Pre-Launch (Tuesday/Wednesday June 22nd)
- Prep payload
- Sleds assembled
- Batteries charged
- Everything mounted
- Ematches wired / soldered
- BP prepped in balloons
- Sabot shock cord
- Frame ready
- Everything but batteries plugged in
- Prep av bay
- Everything but batteries
- Ematches wired / soldered
- BP prepped in balloons
- charge wires continuity tested
- Ground station prepped
- Prep receivers
- APRS (433.92MHz)
- Hand-held radios
Launch (Wednesday June 22nd)
- Startup ground station
- Start RF receivers
- Plug av bay batteries in
- Connect av bay charge wires
- Verify arming switches are off
- Insert av bay
- Payload batteries
- Payload sealed up
- Check BRBs
- Check DARWIN
- Check VTX
- Payload charges
- Payload parachute / recovery gear
- Lens cap!
- Av bay charges
- Seal up