Topic | Finished from last week | Blockers | Action Items for this week |
Structures - Design
- Analysis
- Manufacturing
| - Design
- Analysis
- Met with grace
- research into what other teams have done (list of other ideas from teams in drive, multiple forms of verification and testing, ground testing)
- Manufacturing
- X-winder fixed
- Inventory complete
- CAD parts started
| n/a | - Design
- Update OpenRocket
- Deployable payload
- Avoid wires passing the reaction wheel
- Continue CAD
- Analysis
- More research into testing ideas
- Pick testing to be done
- make priority list
- Manufacturing
- Saturday
- wind test tube CF
- check materials tonight (tues)
Payload - Design
- Analysis
- Manufacturing
| Deciding what to do:
| Decide what our payload mission is | - Decide payload mission and scope of reaction wheel decision: Airbrakes!!!
- Payload weekly meeting
- Once mission is decided create timeline
- Start design this Saturday and establish the goal (data collection)
Avionics - Backplane
- Ave bay
- Primary/seconday system
| - Backplane
- mods assigned
- Billy=backplane, ben= autopilot, mary/louis=sensor, dante=radio, james=power
- picked out possible components for sensor board
- Ave bay
| - finish block
- Pick components or other mods
yev to do 101 for payload and av bay design |
Reaction Wheel | - What is reaction wheel?
- reduce drag and lower deployment risk
- cost of the system?
- Who is going to be manufacturing this?
| Have to test before flight | - Generate timeline
- Finish first prototype
- Find machining help
- Research max spin failure mode
- Research effects of torsion
- Research moving wheel away from the center
Other | |
| - Research where and what we will need to do this?
- What would our timeline be?