Break To Do List
Break To Do List
Avionics Jim/Louis/Mary all of break
- ADC for load cell (waiting on load cell pick)
- Implement motor (waiting on motor pick)
- Ground Radio implement and scrap
- Scrap has to load cell, parachute, sensor package, arming, telemetry, airbrake control, power, missing one
Recovery Avionics
- CAD (blocked by component selection) Mary and Jonah 3 Check in/done ish the 6th
- Fiberglass wall onto structures, make sure it implements with recovery bay and airbrakes (perhaps not using bolts like last year)
- Fit all electronic components in ave bay while still being able to access everything and have 4 screw switches holes
- Worst Case 100mm with all components done 19th
- What has to go in there? *louis stuff to pick and check with everyone done 19st
- Big red B
- Pick load cell (force on airbrake is max 0.90 kg plus, Waiting on Nate to give mass of airbrake as steel times 6g's )*
- Cots flight computer(s)*
- Scrap*
- Motor*
- Arming switches
- GPS antenna*
- 900 mhz antenna*
- 70 cm antenna*
- Wiring/connectors*
- 4 Batteries*
- Big read B battery
- 2s battery for servo and camera
- 2s battery for main flight computer
- 1s battery for Scrap
- CAD Nate Done 19th
- find volume of components
- subdivide the bay
- FEA Nate Done the 6th
- ensure survive snatch force of 314 lb
- Spec drogue for 150ft/sec Hayden Done the 6th
- Spec streamer for 30ft/sec at 3000ft Hayden Done the 6th
- Scaled model of airbrake Hayden Done the 6th
- Ask about jolly logic
- Ask mark about flight computer
- Simulink model to check code Sam
- CAD-Nate 1 All Done 12th
- Load Cell Implementation
- Implement with ave bay
- Pick a 20 kg servo
- Make airbrake thin and heavy (steel)