Ann 01/11/2023 - Meeting Notes
Ann 01/11/2023 - Meeting Notes
This Weeks Updates:
AV Bay:
- Mary talked to Yev about payload avionics layout
- Layed out plan to finish CADing
- Nothin
- Nothin
COTS Avionics:
- Nothin
- Progress is slowly continuing on SCRAP
- a lot of in-depth testing of the load cell IC on another project and it is working quite well
This weeks TODOs:
AV Bay: Jonah Gimmi (RIT Student) Mary Dertinger (RIT Student) Riley Quinn (RIT Student)
- Confirm Big Red Bee Size
- Finish layout of bay
Airbreak: Grace Dertinger (RIT Alumni)
- Bushing holes for press fit
- Double check airbrake design and fitting
- Fix motor to mid plate (hole in front of the motor)
Recovery: Grace Dertinger (RIT Alumni) Hayden Quinn (RIT Student)
- Pick out chute
- Snatch force
- Where to reef the chute
- FEA on snatch force
- Wire holes in recovery bay
- Split the recovery bay box into walls
- Spec drogue for 150ft/sec Hayden
- Spec streamer for 30ft/sec at 3000ft Hayden
- Scaled model of airbrake Hayden
COTS Avionics: Louis Fleisher (RIT Student)
- Keep BOM up to date
SCRAP: Jim Heaney (RIT Student)
- Continue workin on SCRAP