EFuse Calculations
EFuse Calculations
To establish an EFuse to protection the Radio Module from shorts and over current draws
- Radio Module - Finalized Power Budget
- Nominal Current: 300mA
- Peak Current: 650mA
Design Ideas:
- Copy Sensor Modules solution
- TPS2552/TPS2553
- Adjustable EFuse by TI
- Fuse limit between 0.075A to 1.7A
- Vin between 2.5V to 6.5V
- Typically used in USB charging devices
- 6 pin, easily to solder package.
- Available on JLCPCB
- Relatively cheap (<$5 per)
- We can save more money by using a WSON package
- Differences between the two TPS IC's
- TPS2552 - Active Enable Low
- TPS2553 - Active Enable High
- Current Application Schematic Reference
- Adjustable EFuse by TI
Auto-retry (TPS2553)
- During over current condition, FAULT pulls low, discharging the capacitor
- C_RETRY begins to charge
- Once V_EN reaches the threshold voltage to turn on, it will retry
- RC charging equation
- V = Vo * (1-e^(-t/RC))
- V_EN threshold (0.66v - 1.1v)
- Example:
- CL= 1uF, RL = 100 Ohm
- t_on >> ~1ms
- V = Vo * (1-e^(-t/RC))
- Proposed RC network
- R_FAULT = 100k, C_RET = 1uF
- To reach the average threshold voltage
- 0.3225 seconds
- aka, 322.5ms
<Excel Sheet for calculating RLim>
, multiple selections available,
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