Subteam | Action Items | Further Action Items | FUrther Further action itesm |
Structures | - Finish nose cone
- drill holes
- need jig for payload
- vent holes in parachute bay
- shear pins
- vent holes in av bay
- screw holes for couplers
- fix tip
- keying tabs
- stability analysis
| - Drill payload holes
- drill vent holes
- drill screw holes
- drill shear pin holes
- prime nose cone
- reweigh EVERYthing
| - Weigh everything
- tape off all holes and aluminum for paint
- screws in nosecone and tape off
- get Alex RGB code
- get rocket painted
- keying geometry for Av Bay
- packing list
- tech report
Avionics | - get new connectors for BRB battery
- make connectors
- make wiring harness
- vacuum test avionics
- cut av bay
- route delrin end caps
- laser support bars
- test brackets for batteries and connect
- print screw switch brackets
- print backplane battery bracker
- integration guide
- order tamiya
- Get FRS radio
| - Recut COTS sled
- Cut key
- Design and print PROMPT mount
- Vacuum test
- Design and print d-sub bracket
- Set pinout
- Bridge breakouts
| - Recut COTS sled
- strain relief bracket (dsubs)
- debur, sand, and glue bay
- keying geometry
- test prompt mount
- RRC3 battery test
- integration testing, practice
- edit last years procedure and improve
- packing list
Backplane | - fix radio module
- order power module
- putting altimeter in place of backplane
- need weight for test launch
- flying the battery for backplane
- Testing RFM range at test launch
| - RFM code
- Design and cut small altimeter sled
- waiting for parts
- dead mass for test flight
| - modules in
- modules need to be assembled
- figure out antenna splitter situation
- Range test RFM
Payload | - Av bay
- BRB needs standoffs and mount
- Print SABOT
- print FC mount and add heat inserts
- print battery mount and mount x2
- print scrap mount and mount
- make dummy scrap with ultralogger -Jim
- 3D print screw switch mount
- tap support bar
- 3D print antenna clips
- reduce weight in chute bay
- Assemble and wire COTS Av -Louis
- Write procedures
| - Print sabot
- reprint scrap mount
- hole jig
- integrate new BRB battery
- make new mount
- Reintegrate other battery
- integration procedures
| - Reprint sabot
- print final scrap mount
- Integrate BRB Battery
- write procedure
- payload 2 being machined
- weld payload 2 bay
- test electronics and recovery this weekend
- do software
- test load calls and payload opening/closing
- talk to consultant James about recovery
Recovery | - Deployment testing Thursday night
- Assemble recovery harness
- test remaining TD-2s
- Main parachute bag test
- how easy does it stay in there?
- how easy does it pull out
- Write and PRACTICE integration procedures
- Figure out stringing
| - Deployment testing
- finish procedures
| |
Poster |
| done |
Test Flight |
| Pros | Cons |
Other |
| |