Amendment 3

Amendment 3


Preliminary Statement (DO NOT ERASE)

While the Constitution was written to provide the team with a stable and long term governance structure, it shall also be a living document. The word/operating structure/experiences of Launch officers in 2022 may not be applicable to those in the future and, as such, the Constitution must be amended to reflect the team that it so governs. 

Statement of Purpose (DO NOT ERASE)Amendatory Procedures (DO NOT ERASE)

This page is to be used for documenting any and all significant amendments to the Constitution.

A significant amendment to the Constitution is one that:

  • Notably changes the operating structure of the team
  • Notably changes the powers of officers or members
  • Notably changes any team decision/electoral/penal procedure 
  • Otherwise provides a meaningful change to the Constitution that alters its function or how its language AND/OR spirit applies to the team
  1. Amendments shall be announced at least 1 week before the vote is to be taken and a method of online attendance is to be provided
  2. Amendments shall be proposed to at least 2/3 of the Launch officers, upon which they shall vote. A 2/3 majority of all present officers will pass or reject the amendment.
    1. If passed, the amendment shall be codified into the Constitution
    2. If rejected, the amendment shall be deliberated/altered to compromise or struck entirely
  3. All sections of the amendment document shall be completed THE SAME DAY the amendment was made
  4. Amendments to the Constitution shall be made in sequential order, and shall be properly documented
Original Article or Passage from the Constitution

5.D. “Good Standing”

In order to be in good standing with RIT Launch Initiative, members must stay in good standing as students of the Rochester Institute of Technology, as well as abide by all expectations set forth by Section 5.C, while attending the majority of RIT Launch General Meetings, either online or in person, and/or actively participate in, or support a sub-team as determined by that team's lead.

Amended Article or Passage

5.D. “Good Standing”

In order to be in good standing with RIT Launch Initiative, members must stay in good standing as students of the Rochester Institute of Technology, and abide by all expectations set forth by Section 5.C. To maintain one's 'Good Standing,' members must exhibit commitment to and responsibility over assigned action items. 

5.D.1: Actionable Conduct

Any member that does not complete assigned tasks, or attend team meetings for multiple weeks without communicating with their lead, an E-Board Officer, or the Admin Team may have the following actions taken upon them:

  • Loss of the privilege to represent RIT Launch Initiative in any facet
  • Denial of Attendance to the Performance Team Open House
  • Denial of attendance to team launches
  • Removal from their team
  • Prevention from purchasing team apparel

Any action taken against team members for lack of commitment must be approved by the majority of the Admin Team before, and only before, said action is to take place. Any Officer found to have taken action against a team member without notifying and discussing said action with the Admin Team will cause the Admin Team to enact Section 5.I: Procedure for Executive and Project Lead Revocation of Position.

Purpose of Amendment

We the Launch Officers of the 2023-24 term do hereby amend the Constitution. We have decided to amend Section 5.D. and add a new subsection – 4.D.1 – in order to expand the definition of what constitutes Good Standing, and give Officers the authority to act when members do not take responsibility over their assigned action items. 5.D.1 also includes a protection statement for members against potential malicious action from a team lead. 

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