Go to your account and check the Attach this signature checkbox. Then click the Choose button and find the file you created using Notepad. This contents of this file will be added to your email as your signature.
coming soon...
Squirrel Mail
coming soon...
Round Cube
coming soon...To set a signature in myMail, start by logging in and click on Options.
Click on Messaging, check the checkbox for including a signature, enter your signature and then click Save.
Don't forget that your signature must for the RIT Signature Standards.
Squirrel Mail
To set a signature in Squirrel Mail, start by logging in and then clicking on Options.
Then click on Personal Information.
Add your signature to the Signature field and click Submit when done.
Don't forget that your signature must for the RIT Signature Standards.
Round Cube
To set a signature in Round Cube, start by logging in and then clicking on Personal Settings.
Then click on the Identities tab and then your email address.
Enter your signature in the Signature field and click Save.
Don't forget that your signature must for the RIT Signature Standards.
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