Preliminary Block Diagram
switch get mary to look at these (1A rated lil box)
^^no we waht stuff that we can get from jlcpcb
NVM we can get a boost converter with an enable. this simplifies things A LOT.9/16
progress: selected the xiao sense as the microcontroller and will not be using a separate imu. JST PIN CONNECTORS: (Battery either uses JST PH-2.0/JST MINI)
specs for the xiao sense
-needs 5V from battery,
with 3200mAh we could almost completely ignore putting the xiao on sleep mode, power consumption would be a very minimal issue
Wich battery do we want to use? It depends if the form factor due to the bigger one will be ok with structures. Otherwise no reason not to use it, couldn't find other downsides, its kind of better in every way.