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Adding Printers
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For personal devices, see Web Printing below. |
All Saunders computers will automatically add printers when you are on campus and logging in. If you are off campus, you will need to add them manually.
For NTID faculty/staff, the printer name for the 3rd floor is scb-pr-1 and for the Ross Hall printer it is prscb8.
Printer Name | Oracle Name | Description | Device | Location | Fax Number | |||||||
Student Services - BW | prscb7_app | Student Services Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 3655XXerox VersaLink B405 | LOW-A300 | 585-475-7450 | |||||||
A Level - BWprscb1_app | A Level Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 7855AltaLink C8255 | LOW-A910 | |||||||||
A Level - Color | A Level Color Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 7855AltaLink C8255 | LOW-A910A309 | |||||||||
Outside of LOW-A311Dean's Reception 3002-BW | prscb4_app | Dean's Area Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 7225PTLOW-3002 Copier | Xerox VersaLink C7125 | LOW-23023002 | |||||||
585LOW-475-7055 | Dean's Reception - Color | Dean's Area Color Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 7225PT | LOW-2302 | Dean's Office - BW | prscb5_app | Dean's Office Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 3655X | LOW-23093002-Color | LOW-3002 Color Copier | Xerox VersaLink C7125 | LOW-3002 |
2nd Floor - BW | prscb6_app | 2nd Floor Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 7855PTXerox AltaLink C8155 | LOW-2912 Outside of LOW-2319 2341 | ||||||||
2nd Floor - Color | 2nd Floor Color Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 7855PTXerox AltaLink C8155 | LOW-2912 Outside of LOW-23192341 | |||||||||
3rd Floor - BW | 3rd Floor Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 7855iXerox AltaLink C8155 | LOW-3301 | EAS-4190-BW | Eastman Office Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 3655X | EAS-4190 | 585-475-5099 | EAS-4243-BW | Eastman Copier | Xerox WorkCentre 7855 | EAS-4243|
Ross Hall | Ross Hall Faculty Printer | Xerox WorkCentre 3655X | ROS-A179 |
Secure Print
Each Xerox printer has a Secure Print option. When printing your document, click Properties in the print dialog.
Go to https://scb-sv-prt-3.main.ad.rit.edu:9192/ using your web browser and sign in using your RIT username and password.You will receive an certificate warning. Saunders Technical Support is working to install a proper cert.
Once signed in, select Web Print long the left hand side. The select Submit a Job.
Select the PDF you want to print and then click on Upload & Complete. Your document will print.
Printing from non-Saunders Managed / Personal Equipment
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USE AT YOUR OWN RISK We strongly recommend using web based printing (instructions above) for printing from a non-RIT computer. Using personal computers can result in your system being blocked by the security protection should your credentials be forgotten. This is a common occurrence with non-RIT computers and is why we strongly recommend not using these instructions. |
Adding Network Printer to Windows
If you would like to add a printer to your personal computer, you will need to first authenticate to the print server. Windows users can do this by clicking on their Start Menu and typing \\scb-sv-prt-3.main.ad.rit.edu and pressing enter. When prompted for your username and password, be sure to use your RIT Computer Account username and password. You must also place MAIN\ in front of your username.
ITS managed computers will still need to follow the same steps above. You should not be prompted for their password.
Once you see the list of printers, right-click on the one you want and select Connect.
Adding Network Printers to a Mac
- Select "Customize Toolbar." Another window will pop-up where you can drag the Advanced icon up onto the toolbar of the original Printer Setup window.
ie. 2nd Floor - BW, Dean's Reception - BW
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- If Drivers are not built in, the Xerox Driver package can be downloaded from Xerox.com. It contains all the drivers for all Xerox machines.
- Click the check-box with "Duplexer" next to it. This will allow two-sided printing.