Code found on GitHub
(all paths relative to SPICA directory)
- Core - the base 'user level' files, mostly autogenerated.
- Core/Inc - core include files
- Core/Src - core source files
- Core/Src/main.cpp - location of main function, does hardware initialization and then calls init from init.cpp. All autogenerated code until init is called.
- Core/Src/init.cpp - start of non-autogenerated code, runs theactual flight program.
- Drivers - location of HAL and CMSIS code. Not written by us and included by STM32.
- Drivers/STM32F1xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32f1xx_hal.h - this is the include file to use to get declarations for all of the HAL functions.
- lib - library level code, used by the flight program in init. Not autogenerated.
- lib/common/common.h - common return types used by libraries.
- lib/common/H3LIS100DL - high G accelerometer library.
- lib/common/LSM9DS1 - IMU library
- lib/common/MPL3115A2 - primary altimeter library
- lib/common/MS5607 - secondary altimeter library
- lib/common/sys - system functions, overwritten functions that implement functionality of libc for our uses.
- Makefile - the main Makefile for the whole project. Autogenerated and then modified by us to work with c++ and our libraries