Structures Tube Winding IREC-2022


  1. Clean the mandrel and wrap area being used in mylar (should wrap around at least twice). Secure with tape.
  2. Lay down paper on floor and over beam that runs underneath the mandrel to catch any epoxy drippage.
  3. Clean and insert rollers into plastic epoxy bath.
  4. Screw bath onto X-Winder using metal top plate.
  5. Clean and insert the remaining rollers, securing both ends of bolts to ensure there is no detachment during the wind.
  6. Feed selected tow over and around the rollers and out the front eyebolt.
  7. Attach cup underneath front eyebolt to catch any epoxy drippage.
  8. Insert squeegee and secure with rubber-band to ensure tight fit. 
  9. Tighten nuts on both ends of the mandrel. Check all other nuts (rollers) to ensure they are fastened tightly.
  10. Ensure belts on motor and mechanism are tight enough to ensure there is no slippage.
  11. Connect computer and plug in machine.
  12. Check dimensioning on program.
  13. Zero the X-winder.
  14. Tape tow to mylar on mandrel.


  1. Mix a 6:1 ratio of epoxy in a dixie cup and pour contents into epoxy bath.
  2. Start the program.

Notes: Ensure the tow is overlapping previous lines slightly

           Keep the speed of the tow on a medium speed for 60 deg. layers for best results

           Refill Epoxy bath before it runs out to prevent dry spots

           Only reuse epoxy in catch cup if contents has not started the hardening process

           If there is a lot of built-up epoxy, the excess may be squeegeed off the tube carefully - only recommended on 90 deg layers, but possible on others.

           If using an external lazy-suzan to feed tow, allow some slack between the roll and the rollers on the machine to prevent skipping.

       3. Once the program has finished, cut the tow and rotate the mandrel until ready to apply the peel-ply.

       4. Cut peel-ply long enough to cover the full length of the wind, apply while slowly turning the mandrel and ensure it is smooth.

       5. Cut the breather cloth to the same length and tape edge to peel-ply then slowly rotate and wrap breather cloth tightly.

       6. Cut vacuum bag to allow about 1-2 inches on each end of the wind.

       7. Unscrew and loosen one side of the mandrel. Slide vacuum bag over mandrel and secure with putty at far end ensuring a nice seal along the entire opening.

       8. Cut small hole in center of vacuum bag and attach vacuum pump.

       9. Seal open end of vacuum bag with putty.

      10. Turn on vacuum pump and ensure valve is open to allow air to escape.

      11. Check for any leaks and seal with putty.

      12. Allow pump to run for 20 minutes.

      13. Turn off vacuum pump while holding seal and allow to sit for 24 hrs.


  1. Unwrap breather cloth and peel-ply from tube.
  2. Remove mandrel from X-Winder
