All-caps Guardians (TBD) mil
RIT LAUNCH INITIATIVE on at least one edge, top side
<MODULE NAME> MODULE on at least one edge, top side
- Never abbreviate "Module" to "Mod"
- Printed at least as many times as RIT LAUNCH INITIATIVE
Launch logo (space permitting)
Default Altium font and size
Slightly modified Semantic Version (semver), bottom side
MAJOR incremented for all backwards-incompatible changes
- Module doesn't work with previous backplane
- Next backplane doesn't work with previous modules
- Starts at 1
- Reset Minor to 1 when incremented
- MINOR incremented for backwards-compatible changes
- Adding functionality without changes to the backplane interface
- Starts at 1
- PATCH incremented for fixes
- Starts at 0
- Incremented only for each design sent for fabrication
- We start at 1.1.0 (slight difference from semver, so we do not actually implement semver)
Module designer(s), bottom side
- No preface, just names
- List multiple names vertically without bullets