Google Drive Templates

Using templates from RIT’s template library

  1. Right click on a blank area in the folder you want to use

  2. Hover over the arrow next to “Google Slides” or “Google Sheets”

  3. Click “From a template”, then find your template and click on it

Steps to use a template

Adding templates to RIT’s template library

  1. Copy the template file to your own Google Drive (Shared Drives don’t allow viewers to download, so the template system can’t work with files in shared drives)

  2. Click on the file and open the Info panel


Open info sidebar
  1. Click “Manage Access” in the pop-up pane

  1. Make sure RIT has access, then click Settings

  1. Make sure viewers can download

  1. Follow the previous seciton’s instructions to open the template library

  2. Click “Submit a template”

  1. Configure template settings - No copy (matches the name you gave), categorized

    1. “No copy” means your changes to it will get matched to Drive, which is convenient


Now everyone can use the previous section’s instrucitons to easily make Google documents from a template

Theme editing [WIP]