How to Join NAR

How to Join NAR

If you want to launch your own rockets, the first step is to join the NAR, or National Association of Rocketry. 

  1. Go to https://nar.z2systems.com/np/clients/nar/membershipJoin.jsp
  2. Fill out your personal information and where you heard about NAR
  3. Choose "RIT - 808" as your section 1. Leave section 2 blank.
  4. Choose your membership level:
    1. If you are under 21, choose "LR (Age 16-20) Join 1 Year ($25) - Regular Magazine"
    2. If you are 21 or older, choose "SR (Age 21-25) Join - 1 Year ($25) - Regular Magazine ”

    3. Note: There is no way to opt out of the magazine, unfortunately.

  5. It is suggested that you enable auto-renewal. If your membership lapses, you will lose all certifications. 

  6. Hit submit and fill out the next page.

Within a few weeks, you will receive your NAR membership card. Carry it with you at any launch events. It provides important information regarding insurance. 

Why do I have to join NAR?

If you are not a part of NAR (or TRA), you cannot purchase motors, launch any high-power rockets, be present at launch sites without special permission, or receive any certifications. 

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