
SubteamOld ItemsWeek ProgressAction Items
  • order shrink tape 
  • order CF
  • Wind last R&D tube
  • tensile samples finished
  • CFD for Payload
  • FEA for thrust plate and motor retainer
  • Last R&D wind with shrink tape complete
  • rocket poxy tensile samples made
  • Bulkhead FEA complete
  • ordered 12 lbs CF (6 lbs 6k and 6 lb 5 k) and 4 lbs FG (plus some) and eyelets
    • ~$125 
    • should have CF this weekend
    • sollercomposites
  • start finishing process
  • thrust plate and motor retainer FEA
  • go to furniture lab
    • Joseph Allegir
  • ASTM standard on fixturing for lap shear/composites
  • condense research on finishing and tow contacts on drive
  • Meet with Humphrey about training on fixturing/testing Grace Dertinger (RIT Alumni) 
  • order more shrink tape 220R
  • order electronics
  • sort out av bay design problems
  • figure out battery situation
  • breakout boards for GPS and XBee
  • Backplane PDR
  • schematic capture
  • picked out batteries
  • not using XBee
  • GPS breakout board being reviewed tonight
  • electronics order tonight
  • talk to mike about about delrin
  • schematic capture
  • order more breakout boards
  • Brainstorming session on Sat.
  • Electronics PDR on Sat
  • Finalize sensors
  • 2 competing design ideas
  • Finish up CAD and CFD for chosen payload
  • Finalize sensors - may change with layout
Reaction Wheel
  • finish block diagram
  • MOI calculation
  • Pick out motor and driver with Billy
  • modify motor mounts
  • block diagrams complete
  • MOI calc complete
  • motor chosen
    • slightly more expensive
    • ~$200 motor assembly
  • PCB for demonstrator
  • structures for desktop demonstrator
  • CAD for L1 model started
  • Finish magnetometer calibration
  • order tender descender 
  • order parachutes and streamer

  • order tender descender 
  • order parachute and streamer
  • order shock chord
  • order hardware
  • HeroX

  • CDR Template 
  • Infor on dates and what has to be turned in