Production Readiness Check

Production Readiness Check

Before you prepare the production files

All connectors are correctly oriented
Trace pinout of each connector from end to end
All connectors have silkscreen denoting which pins are which if applicable
All components have reference designators on silkscreen if possible
DNP components are not associated with a part number
All components are updated to their latest revisions
Schematic is validated and returns no errors or meaningful warnings
DRC returns ZERO errors and warnings
Certain errors and warnings may be waived with a valid reason
Acute angles are minimized
Layers are properly named
For 4 layer boards: the JLCPCB 4 layer stackup is used
Impedance Controlled Traces:
Traces have the correct impedance using JLCPCB impedance calculator (or whatever fab you are using)
Traces have transfer vias wherever a layer transition is made
Traces maintain a constant ground reference plane
All connections are teardropped when possible

“It shouldn’t have changed from last time” is NOT A CHECK!!!