Davinci - GPS Tracking and Rocket Recovery
Davinci - GPS Tracking and Rocket Recovery
- GPS Tracker compatible with the MCC is mandatory next year
- Supported protocols: 70cm APRS 1200 baud AFSK, 900MHz featherweight (COTS), 2 meter compatible not advised
- 70cm band specifically kept quiet for us, don't transmit on that frequency unnecessarily at camp, "be courteous"
- Doesn't necessarily have to be COTS
- 900MHz is the "wild west"
- APRS packets can be sent quickly, around at least one second
- Need to register frequencies during frequency registration
- You have frequency priority when on the rail, not cleared to launch unless you have lock
- Recovery:
- Must check in with recovery tent, disqualified otherwise
- Recovery teams need to wear a pack with voice comms and GPS tracker
- Pants and closed toed shoes required for recovery
- Absolutely have to stay in contact on recovery, disqualified otherwise
- Recovery members must be student members of Tripoli
- Recovery lead strongly encouraged to speak English well, be a strong communicator, and know phonetic alphabet
- Marking different parts of the rocket with team number is very beneficial in case another team comes across our rocket
- Highly recommended for all members of the team
- Should be very easy for anyone studying engineering
- Allows for each member of the team to carry a transmitter for communication on 2m band at competition
, multiple selections available,