Manufacturing Tasks | Process | Assigned Persons | Priority |
- Engineering Drawings
- Wind Tubes
- Sanding / Surfacing
- Painting
- Testing
- Integrate into Rocket
| Winding | | 1 |
- 1 Carbon Fiber Booster Tube
- Engineering Drawings
- Wind Tubes
- Post-process
- Test
- Integrate into Rocket / coupler
| Winding | | 2 |
- Add holes to CAD
- Drawing
- Stock: Aluminum in basement
- Tool Path
- Tormach/cleanup
- Integration in body tube
| Mill | | 4 |
- 3 Plywood Centering Rings
- Drawings
- Stock: Plywood
- Laser Cutter
- Integrate using rocket epoxy to CF Tube
| Mill | | 7 |
- Fins (including fin slots)
- Calculations
- Drawings
- Stock (CF Sheets)
- Manufacture on router (Ask Mike) (water jet?)
- Integrate
- 3D print internal jig
- rocket epoxy fin to tube with jig in
| Mill | | 6 |
- CAD - need thread and washer to secure
- tool path
- Lathe
- Cleanup
- Integrate
| Lathe | | 3 |
- Calculations
- CAD/Mold
- Engineering Drawings
- Mold
- Stock MDF
- Cut on the router
- sand
- gray
- sand
- Stock: Aluminum
- Cut stock
- layup
- post-process
| FG Lay-up | | 3 |
- Buy
- Integrate
- Connect to CF tubes with Nuts and Bolts
| Buy | | 9 |
- send to Matt
- Get from Matt
- Bolted to Aft bulkhead
| Matt | | 8 |
- Drawing
- Stock - Aluminum
- tool path
- tormach/ cleanup
- rocket epoxy to CF tube
| Mill | | 5 |