MATLAB Training 2: Systems Modeling
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Systems Modeling
Basic steps to systems modeling:
Find the system's coordinates (positions, voltages, pressures, etc.)
Describe the force laws governing the derivatives of the coordinates
Join those force laws into equations of motion (EOM) using the equation of state
$\sum F = ma$ (mechanical-translational)
Mass conservation (fluid, pneumatic)
KVL (electrical)
Numerically integrate the equations of motion to find the trajectory
Example 1: Spring-mass-damper
Linear spring: force is proportional to displacement
Linear damper: force is proportional to displacement velocity
NOTE: Currently position is displacement, but if there are two coupled
bodies, it doesn't have to be
Equation of motion
From Newton's first law:
$$\sum F = m\ddot{x} = -b\dot{x} - kx + f$$
dt = 0.01;
t_f = 10;
t = 0:dt:t_f;
m = 2; % [kg] mass
k = 20; % [N/m] spring constant
b = 5; % [N/(m/s)] damping constant
f_step = 10 * heaviside(t - 5); % [N] applied force samples
x_0 = 2;
x_dot_0 = -10;
EOM Euler
x_step = zeros(size(t));
x_dot_step = zeros(size(t));
x_step(1) = x_0;
x_dot_step(1) = x_dot_0;
for i = 2:length(t)
x_prev = x_step(i-1);
x_dot_prev = x_dot_step(i-1);
f_prev = f_step(i-1);
a_t = (-b*x_dot_prev - k*x_prev + f_prev)/m;
x_dot_step(i) = x_dot_prev + a_t * dt;
x_step(i) = x_prev + x_dot_prev * dt;
Results and sanity checks
Common pitfalls: Forgetting to multiply/divide, putting wrong sign on forces
Stable or unstable?
Steady-state condition: Constant, what is the static gain?
Use physical intuition: Not moving, not accelerating
Balance forces, calculate using spring constant
Undamped, overdamped, critically damped?
Calculate the damping ratio from the ODE's characteristic equation
Only useful for linear second-order systems
Simulink block diagram
Block diagram basics
Centered around the integrator
You have a formula for the highest derivative, so this allows you to get
all the lower-order derivativesSum, product, gain work as you expect
Simulink block diagrams:
Take variable names from the MATLAB workspace
Use "To Workspace" blocks to put data back to MATLAB
State selection
The equations of motion will be in terms of the system’s states - the variables that store energy. In this case, we have two: position and velocity. We then express (in signals) their derivatives. Velocity’s is acceleration, a non-trivial function of the states and some parameters. Position’s is trivially velocity.
Building the diagram
Begin with the series of integrators, representing the system states. Express the first integrator’s input (acceleration) in terms of the forces, which in turn rely on the outputs of the integrators. The second integrator’s input is just the first integrator’s output, becuase position and velocity are trivially related.
It looks like you’ve drawn circles, and it’s not necessarily clear how Simulink figures out what to do. In a “visual programming langauge” (LABView) this would be true, but Simulink solves this with blocks that have initial conditions. The one we care about is the integrator, which breaks the algebraic loop by initializing its output to the IC. Then, all of the signals and the integrators' inputs are calculated, the integrators' new state is calculated, and the cycle begins anew.
Note on integrator ICs
Integrators need initial conditions (more on that later). There are two ways of providing them, internally and externally. Internally, you double-click to set. Externally, a signal provides this value, and this signal is read every time the integrator is initialized (this can happen at runtime if you configure integrator reset conditions).
I don’t like internal ICs because it’s easy to forget to set them, and when you look at a block diagram, it is not immediately apparent that you did.
Providing the signal externally (through a Constant block that accesses a workspace variable) makes it clear whether or not the modeller remembered to correctly initialize the integrator.
Write the variables into your MATLAB workspace
Inputs should be
to avoid any ambiguitySet up the solver with
end time, fixed-stepode1
with the block diagram's nameOutput is a structure
A few defaults
, etc."To workspace" blocks saved as their variable names
force = timeseries(f_step, t);
smd_out = sim("smd.slx");
figure("name", "Example 1 Simulink output");
Sanity checks
Same as Euler?
What if we decrese the damping?
What if we increase the spring stiffness?
What if we double the applied force?
Revisiting the steps:
Coordinate: $x$
Force laws come from the spring $kx$, damper $b\dot{x}$
Equation of state $\sum F = ma$ gives $m\ddot{x} + b\dot{x} + kx = f$
Euler for-loop, Simulink B.D. to integrate
System has correct stability, steady-state, damping
Example 2: Rotary spring-mass-damper
Spinning this time
What a twist
Different coordinate systems: displacment and angle
$x = r\theta$
$v = r\omega$
(under a small-angle approximation)
Equation of state: $\sum M = J\ddot{\theta}$
Equation of motion
Spring displacement $L\theta$
Damper speed $(L+l)\theta$
Join using $\sum M = J\ddot{\theta}$
$$ J\ddot{\theta} + b(L+l)^2\dot{\theta} + kL^2\theta = -f(L+l)$$
Block diagram
Coordinate: $\theta$ (But a transformation (helped by small-angle assumption) to use
translational elements)Force laws come from the spring $kx$, damper $b\dot{x}$
Equation of state $\sum F = ma$ gives $m\ddot{x} + b\dot{x} + kx = f$
Euler for-loop, Simulink B.D. to integrate
System has correct stability, steady-state, damping
Example 3: Coupled spring-mass-damper
Equations of motion
$k_2$ displacement is $L\theta - x$
$b_2$ displacement is $(L+l)\dot{\theta} - \dot{x}$
Find the correct sign convention by thinking about what happens when one
coordinate is zero
Translating mass:
$$m\ddot{x} = -k_1 x - b_1 \dot{x} - k_2(L\theta - x) - b_2((L+l)\dot\theta - \dot{x})$$
Rotating inertia:
$$J\ddot{\theta} = -k_2 (L\theta - x) - b_2 ((L+l)\dot\theta - \dot{x}) - (L+l)f$$
Block diagram
Coordinates: $x$ and $\theta$
Force laws come from the springs and dampers
Make sure to use extension instead of position for springs and dampers
Equations of state $\sum F = m\ddot{x}$, $\sum M = J\ddot{\theta}$
Simulink B.D. joining the two models
System has correct stability, steady-state, damping
Summary Summary
You should now know how to:
Come up with equations of motion
How to put EOM into MATLAB
Especially with coupled states, Simulink is much easier