MCU Selection Trade



  • STM32, 64-pin
    • Size doesn't matter (TWSS) because all STM32F103 with 64 pins have same pinout, just different flash quantities
      • Flash Size can be sorted out later


  1. Use some kind of ATMEGA (Arduino MCU)
    1. Pros
      1. Easy and well supported
    2. Cons
      1. Slow
  2. STM32 Chip
    1. STM32F103C8T6
      1. Pros
        1. Exact Same as blue pill
      2. Cons
        1. Not enough pins
    2. STM32F103RBT6
      1. Pros
        1. Same as Nucleo-64
      2. Cons
        1. n
    3. STM32F103RGT6TR
      1. Pros
        1. Ridiculous flash size
          1. Maybe enough to fit flight data (lol)
      2. Cons