SPICA Software - Needs Work
SPICA Software - Needs Work
Data Storage:
- Onboard W25Q64 nonvolatile flash memory chip (https://www.winbond.com/resource-files/w25q64jv%20revj%2003272018%20plus.pdf)
- 32768 256 byte pages to work with
- Need software to manage how flight data is stored
- multiple flights, record keeping, way of pulling data off of SPICA afterwards
- low level access implemented here → https://github.com/nimaltd/w25qxx (make sure to leave the license in)
Flight Logic:
- When do we arm the board after starting up?
- do we wait for a button?
- might need to enable GPIO interrupts https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40057581/stm32f3-discovery-implement-gpio-interrupt
- this can also be done in STM32Cube
- might need to enable GPIO interrupts https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40057581/stm32f3-discovery-implement-gpio-interrupt
- do we wait until the rocket is tipped up?
- do we wait for a button?
- Do we always record data as fast as possible?
- low power mode for on the pad and landed?
- When do we calibrate sensors? (e.g. the IMU)
- What do we do when we land?
- Testing modes
- deployment testing
- full simulation
- heartbeat check
Data Interpretation:
- Calculate heading, acceleration vector relative to heading, altitude, latitude, longitude
- kalman filter w/ altimeter and accelerometer
- try and determine accurate lat. long.
- dead reckoning w/ IMU
- filter with GPS data?
- What do we send to the ground?
- Everything?
- Just raw sensor data?
- Interpreted data too?
- Look for flight events
- boost phase
- coast phase
- apogee
- kalman filter z-velocity = 0
- nose over
- landing
- unsafe events
- tip over at high velocity
- any way to correct?
- blow all chutes?
, multiple selections available,