Sensor Module
@Mary Dertinger (RIT Student) @Louis Fleisher (RIT Student) @Alex Moczarski (RIT Student)
Detailed issues to date 7/1/2024
Ethernet didn't work.
MS5601/BMP address conflict.
2 layer..... caused some design decisions that could have been avoided.
Bodged around Effuse wrong calcs for rising edge trigger - voltage from power mod was 3.26 instead of 3.3.
Ethernet still doesn't work - we changed 30 pin to same but with shroud so part in Altium changed, footprint looked same but was different so it was oriented incorrectly.
MS5611 wired up wrong - connected main I2c clock to wrong pin was a copy paste error.
Had DNP resistors but got populated (happened on 1.1.0 too) 3 bootstrapping for Wiznet and another for a sensor (R1). The issue was they were 0 ohm resistor so you had a short from power to gnd. 4
No Effuse problems.
I2c problems: too many transactions; bus will lock up. Same with 400 kHz will also lock up. thought it was because of LSM16
Need to validate I2c issue.
TMP117: wasn't giving data just reporting zeros.
RS485 issue giving garbage. Aaron probed RS485 and got good data but probed after transceiver (UART) and got garbage.
Ethernet works ( FINALLY)
A sensor module was reading garbage values (need to find and label)