Using the UI - GSW-2021

Using the UI - GSW-2021

GSW applications (like user interfaces) are started separately after the core GSW processes are running and all code is built. If they are not running, there's no information available to view and the structures to access the data are not created.

Simple UI's

There are currently two "simple" UI's that just display data to the command line.

The first one is called mem_view. It dumps all of the telemetry data as hex.

Run it using the following (all commands assume current working directory is GSW-2021):

cd app/mem_view

The other simple UI is called val_view. It does some type interpretation based on the VCM config file.

Run it using the following:

cd app/val_view

The other UI strategy is to forward all of the telemetry data to an InfluxDB database and then display it using grafana.
Database Forwarding

InfluxDB and grafana both need to be installed. If not already installed, on Linux distros with apt/dpkg run the following to install:

sudo apt install influxdb
sudo apt install influxdb-client

sudo apt-get install -y adduser libfontconfig1
wget https://dl.grafana.com/oss/release/grafana_7.3.7_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i grafana_7.3.7_amd64.deb

If installing for the first time, InfluxDB will be started as a service by default, run the following to disable it:

sudo service influxdb stop

Start InfluxDB with a custom config file by executing the following:

cd app/InfluxDB/run_influx

Next we need to start grafana:

sudo service grafana-server start

Login to the grafana server by going to https://localhost:3000. The default username is 'admin' with password 'admin'. Click to add InfluxDB as a database, leave all the defaults but change the database name to 'gsw'. Next you can create a dashboard to display the data from InfluxDB, you can also import dashboards found at app/InfluxDB/grafana/dashboards.

Lastly, we need to actually forward the telemetry data to InfluxDB. There is an application that does this, run it by executing the following:

cd app/InfluxDB/fwd_influx

You should now be able to see any telemetry data coming in through your grafana dashboard.

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