Using the Simulation - GSW 2021
There is a simulation that exists to simulate the flight of a rocket using OpenRocket and play it through the groundstation. The simulation process "pretends" to be the ground receiver and presents itself as a UDP port sending telemetry data. The GSW software all runs the same assuming it's a real rocket. The simulation software can be run on a separate machine from the GSW code, provided the configuration file has the correct port and address.
The current simulation can be found here:
After cloning the code somewhere, run
cd src/ javac *.java java Start localhost 8080 -orm ../openRocketExports/dmcRocketExport.csv -rt
At this point, the simulation is running.
If the GSW system was not already started it will need to be.
The simulation requires a different configuration file to be used, set it by running the following from the GSW-2021 base directory:
cd data/ ./ simulation
Start GSW:
cd startup/current/ ./start_gsw
At this point any other GSW applications can be started and view the simulated telemetry data.