AD Nozzle and Casing Meeting Notes
AD Nozzle and Casing Meeting Notes
Follow the Markforged metal printing guidlines
Rocket Nozzle Material Resource https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/4455557
IREC Casing Guidelines
- Needs to be pressure tested to 1.5 times the maximum expected operating pressure for no less than twice the maximum expected system working time
Carbon Fiber
- Difficult to get the correct tolerances
- Need to figure out a way to retain nozzle and aft bulk head
- Best to buy a casing for teams first SRAD motor
- Motor casing option 1 - http://binderdesign.com/store/Fisher-Research.html
- Motor casing option 2 - https://lokiresearch.com/secure/store.asp?groupid=52120032311666
- 98mm 3 or 4 grain
- Liner - https://lokiresearch.com/secure/storeDetail.asp?id=62120191304571
, multiple selections available,