2021-10-25 Meeting Notes - VOID Payload



Discussion items

Last Week's Meeting Notes
Design Freeze
  • DARWIN done, ready to be ordered
    • one more pass, check for safety, check with Yev
    • wishlist
      • ground/return broken out? (already one next to XBee reset, another would be nice)
      • +/- polarity label on battery connectors and camera power (battery connectors should only go in one way)
      • label tx/rx on camera UARTs
      • get access to surface mount lab ahead of time? email lab guy (ask Kenny)
      • who's gonna fab it? JLC?
      • make connectors vertical rather than perpendicular (still want locking ones), not a huge deal but more convenient
      • LED indicator (or have the XBee spit packets to us)
        • add an LED (neopixel?) to XBee GPIO - nice for debugging too
Future Plans
  • get everyone HAM licensed
    • MIT online in November

 Action items

  •  DARWIN bois - finalize wishlist items - Saturday 10/30/21
  • Will Merges (RIT Student) - put purchase through - Tuesday 10/26/21