2021-09-20 Meeting Notes - VOID Payload



Discussion items

Last Week's Action Items

Drift Calculation - Joy Sangsrichan (RIT Student)

  • drift should only be ~2 miles with a 4ft parachute
    • within acceptable limit
  • make sure to put this in the CDR (maybe typed out)

Clarification from NYSG - Will Merges (RIT Student)

 NYSG responded to some questions:

  • can extend final report to launch date, still need student info submitted by December
    • If we finish manufacturing (we will), submit that and then give a short update after launch
  • need to send a report every other month, will need to send one first week of October
  • clarified how we change items not originally on BOM
  • got phone number of associate director
  • IREC PDR is this Saturday (9/26/21)
    • need to present "abbreviated" version of our PDR in it
      • 2-3 slides, mostly about how we interface with the rocket
    • please be present if you can
      • this is the first PDR new members will be seeing, set a good example and ask lots of questions
  • Design deadline coming up - October 1st
PDB Discussion

Dante Sivo (RIT Student) is point of contact for this project

  • talk to Joe about receiver board for ground station
  • add inline jumpers between UART lines to XBee for testing
  • breakout reset pin on XBee
  • get dimensions from Dante
CAD work
  • meeting later this week - 6:30 on Thursday

Action items