FDR Notes (live) - 1/22/22

Structures @ jake

How do you cut the bad ends? dremel hand saw - Vacuum and respirators clear our construct when cutting/post processing

How does the 60 angle work? Jake had a boom answer

Was paint included in any mass estimates? no, it won't be significant. We can compare before and after  - do calcs for sims

Are you worried about outside surface finish? Yes 

Why did you chose 4 layers not 3? Cuz the sidewinder is like that and its is a strength thing

Tube 1 and 2 are both fiber glass? Yes

How will you handle transitions? the toe is a bigger material we are still problem solving. Maybe a transition tube

How much thicker is it? 10th -maybe wood putty

How did you sand in the past? Palm sander and hand sanding final coat of epoxy - wet sanding, spray bottle

Do you do a final coat? uv sealant and clear coat

Does the smoke from the laser dangerous? just don't breath it

Why is this better than a thinner bulkhead? There is less surface area for epoxy

These are not going to break right? No

Are you going to redo the FEA for irec? Yes -Redo FEA

Did you consider the forces of a pressurized bay on the new bulk head? No - look into 

Can u put the centering rings on the laser? Perhaps - look into thinner and doing on laser

Is the jig to hold the fins designed? Mike design needs to be printed

How are the fins cut? the crushinator- it can be done on the router if need be

What is onyx? nylon carbo fiber mixture

are you planning of sealing the edges of the carbon fiber? Yes and the tip to tip layup will cover it

Irec says melting is bad how to mitigate? use a torch and test to see what it looks like could move the motor down or boat tail down

The FR means it doesn't burn not melt? We will test a move forward

When is this going to come in and tested? Part is in and will be tested - test onyx part

Are you considered the rail guides could e damaged...? Nope. No slides in FDR for rail guides - look into that!! Design rev?

IN the future more material testing and research

Was the length problem resolved? Yes

how is the boat tail connected? it is bolted to the thrust plate

Plans to do coupler tubes compression testing? no but should be fine

There are holes in the motor retainer are for what? they go through the boat tail, into thrust plat, and the boat tail is holding the motor in

Have you done any cals on backward motion pulling into the thrust plate? in the past the motor retainer has been an issue -NEED TO DO A ANALYSIS OF MOTOR RETENTION to ensure it is secure

Avionics Will Merges (RIT Student) Yevgeniy Gorbachev (RIT Student) 

What epoxy? rocket epoxy 

No bolts? No load bearing bolts are you worried about it shaking apart? no cuz epoxy

How is the top tube attached? It is just laying

Do the holes in the airframe need to be precis? yes... there is a 3d printed jig that will place them - check with airframe that this is good and with their timeline

Petg is good? should be - look into ABS can do at construct now

Order Parts (smile)(wink) - order stuff

are we planning any testing on the signal with the fiberglass tube? wasn't but will - test fiber glass rf signal

Umbilical Jim Heaney (RIT Student)

How easy is it to make irec happy about the components? Yes very easy

Are you worried about some connector type? Yes but working on it - ensure connector safety and irec is happy with Avionics team

How will this disconnect from the rocket? hold on

Can we make 2 versions? yes -Look into more stuff

Has this been integrated with the the avionics bay CAD? Not yet, the shape of the cover will change with IREC rules. Holes have already been confirmed - Add in to cad with rules tbd

How do we assemble this in the bay? Wires go through before bolted on and wire harness that comes through hole in - Check with avionics

How do we get the the screws inside? Special printer that can but stop and put bolts in mid print. MethodX 

Have you reached out to IREC? not yet waiting for this - Let team know when you send it out

What are you arguments for using xt30? Ergonomic considerations really and keying - Let team know 

How far from the rocket is the battery form the rocket? 10-15 ft

Are there concerns on the vibrations on the xt30? They do not have any active lock but needs high acceleration to remove them and orientation on the board

what's the voltage drop to the flight computers when the umbilical disconnects? any risk of browning out right off the rail? - when the umbilical disconnects it drops by 12v to reduce this shock we can add capacitors but optimality need voltage regulator and 12-7 volts is in operating so it should be fine. -Double check this please

Is esera okay with battery near the pad? We need to talk to them about this but we can extend distance if need be - talk with esera