2021-07-21 Meeting Notes - VOID Payload/Avionics




  • Go over action items
    • Look into getting HAM radio technicians license

      • MIT: 7/26/20
    • Investigate deploy-able antennae

      • How does it benefit us?
      • Is this something we can technically achieve?
    • Come up with names for the payload

    • Read the rules

  • Avionics update
  • Determine requirements starting from top/down

Discussion items


Action Items

  Avionics Update 
  •  chip shortage is an issue for RIGEL/NIGEL
    • looking at MacroFab

Payload Requirements IREC-2022

Action items

  • James May (RIT Student)/anyone  investigate streamer vs other recovery options (pro con)
  • everyone - look into ways to get signal to the ground
  • everyone - look how at possible ways to source STM32s