CHA Ebeam Evaporator
CHA Ebeam Evaporator
- The CHA an electron beam Evaporation Tool.
- Target material is loaded in crucible liners.
- The system is capable of holding eight crucibles for multi-source deposition.
- Dielectrics and metals can be deposited.
- Materials with significant vapor pressures at lower temperatures (Sb, Cd, Zn, etc) are not allowed.
*The system has platens for 100mm and 150mm wafers
- Tool Engineer - Rich Battaglia
- Process Engineer - Sean O'Brien
Tool & Process Information
- Supplier of crucible liners for the SNL CHA Evaporator
- We use the Thermionics Model #A111460-XX. The XX stands for the material the crucible liner is made from and depends on the material to be evaporated
CHA Evaporator Manual
CHA Evaporator Certification Checklist