Suss MJB4 Aligner
Suss MJB4 Aligner
- The Suss MJB4 Contact Aligner is a 1x aligner.
- The mask is brought into close contact with the substrate.
- The features on the mask are printed at the intended size for on the substrate - 1x designation.
- The gap can be made larger for 'sticky' resists - subsequent loss of high frequency information - square corners become rounded.
- Uses 5" x 5" x 0.09" soda lime photomasks.
- Capable of features down to 2um in size
- It is has chucks for a variety of wafer / substrate sizes and uses the mercury broadband for exposure.
- Tool Engineer - Rich Battaglia
- Process Engineer - Sean O'Brien
- Super User - Matt Seitz
Manuals & Users
- Suss MJB4 Contact Aligner Manual - Rev B - 5/5/22
- Suss MJB4 Contact Aligner Certification Checklist