Suss MA150 Aligner

Suss MA150 Aligner


  • The Suss MA150 Contact Aligner is a 1x aligner.
  • The mask is brought into close contact with the substrate
    • The features on the mask are printed at the intended size for on the substrate - 1x designation.
    • The gap can be made larger for 'sticky' resists - subsequent loss of high frequency information - square corners become rounded.
    • Uses 5" x 5" x 0.09" or 6" x 6" x 0.09" soda lime photomasks.
    • 5" & 6" masks are held in special vacuum holders for use with 150mm wafers.
  • Capable of features down to 2um in size
  • It is configured for 150mm wafers and uses the mercury broadband for exposure.
  • It also has an i-line filter for defining smaller features.


Process Information

  • The Karl Suss MA150 contact mask aligner is a broadband exposure system capable of a variety of different mask and wafer configurations.

    • The standard chuck sizes are 100 mm and 150mm. 

  • Mask holders come in 125mm, 150mm and 175mm. 

    • It is possible to place a 125mm or 150mm mask on a 150mm wafer with one of the custom holders.

  • When laying out a mask, it is important to place any alignment marks along the center line because the alignment system has limited travel in the up and down directions. 

    • Marks should be surrounded by a large open area if possible to make them easier to locate through the microscope.

  • Smaller wafers and pieces may be processed by placing them on a larger wafer with a small amount of water. 

    • The larger wafer is necessary to make the vacuum sensor and the water helps hold the piece in place for alignment.

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