
TopicDetailsAction Items

Open rocket

  • single bay will feature Jim's idea of a lip with a smaller bulkhead that holds the first set of charges
  • payload still in nosecone TBD if deployable

CFD nose cone analysis - backed with open rocket modeling 

  • Von Karmen shape best for subsonic / supersonic
  • can optimize nosecone in open rocket - assumes Mach 0.3
  • look into ras arrow (maybe)

IREC structures moved to a different corner 

small sanding booth in construct  - permission to sand fiberglass and CF

continue design work on parachute bay

Fix X-winder

order small sample of fiberglass yarn - look into prices


backplane usage??

Will be a ride-along to collect data if smoke grenade does not happen

order multiple

Software for core library being worked

Assign current members as "leads" on modules - spread newer members around to different modules

smoke grenade writeup in works

"glider" secondary option - need to begin developing plan

video system

  • Implement final suggestions and comments from Jim and Alex - Jayse
  • Finalize by next week and send to Bill

  • come up with base level needs and concerns for "glider" idea

  • Look into multiple subteams applying for NYSG September 1st

Our NYSG contact https://www.rit.edu/directory/axrsps-andrew-robinson
