Sub team | Last Week Action Items | Weekly Update | Action Items | Blockers |
Structures | - Change mold file
- Start printing mold
- wind booster
| - booster needs sanding - mandrel put away
- mold file sent to grace
| - cut fins
- nose cone mold
- need CF sheets
- need bulkheads for testing (enough material)
- fix xwinder
Avionics | - Finish schematics
- start review
- start layouts
| - COTS BRB tested and working
- more software progress
- more breakouts assigned
- schematic review last night
- ready to order 2-3 weeks
| - get schematics ready for layout next week
- start testing RRC3s
Payload | - Figure out software
- finish schematic
- finalize CAD
| - SCRAP schematic done
- CAD almost done - need to fix pin arc
- AV bay work session sat
- looking into reefing
- Jim working on own software
| - finish CAD
- AV bay review
- figure out recovery**
Analysis | - Payload FEA
- General 5 min RasAero
| - looking into server for ANSYS
- 5 min training next week
- bulkhead tensile testing logistics being figured out
| - make 5 min training
- Payload FEA
| |
Reaction Wheel | - Finalize test bed rocket design
- drivers for encoder control code
- further integration
| - looking into L1 RW
- sent part for IREC RW to Matt (coupler)
| - add battery and kill switch
- Iron out L1 details
Recovery | - Figure out where the rocketman order went with Louis Fleisher (RIT Student)
- Figure out where I can test tender descenders
- Start testing tender descenders
Other: |
| | - send videos and pictures to Will via EMAIL
- create cool video for insta to say thanks to soller and xwinder